A heritage listed building in the former ‘rag-trade’ district of Flinders Lane was gentrified and enlarged with a luxury penthouse and office addition on its roof.

This very complex project required the erection of a tower crane for the removal of the roof, demolition of the upper floors and insertion of two concrete lift shafts. A new 3 level, clear span, steel and concrete structure was added, including a new luxury penthouse apartment, two level office fitout and extensive base building refurbishment. The works were completed in an operational environment whilst maintain public access to the existing retail and office tenants located on the lower floors.

The site location, in the centre of the CBD, meant complex materials loading and traffic management techniques were adopted on this extremely tight site. Public protection was paramount and water proofing, dust protection and noise reduction was essential in maintaining the amenity of the retail and commercial offices on the lower floors.

Maben Group provided extensive design development and value engineering advice throughout the progression of the works to achieve the stringent budget constraints.

Photographs by Lisbeth Grossman and Peter Clarke.
